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Our monthly email newsletter features pictures and updates of our work in Moldova.

So, Who Are the Darrins?

And what are they doing in Moldova?

“We are the Darrins. Since 2007, Troy and Heidi Jo have been serving as missionaries to the country of Moldova. Currently, our children live in three different regions of the United States.”

Meet our children:

From left to right: Blake, Heather, Jotham

Mission Overview

We believe Moldova is a country in great need of the gospel. We believe Moldova needs the hope of Jesus Christ. We believe now is the time to reach Moldova, part of our area in Eurasia Northwest that reaches unbelievers with the gospel.

Following 20 years of pastoral ministry and 10 short term mission trips, we feel privileged to be serving as missionaries to Moldova. Since the fall of 2007, we have been living and working in Moldova, Europe’s poorest country. Seeking to bring hope to a country with many desperate needs, we work in church planting & construction efforts, evangelism outreaches and student ministry.

Moldova is a small landlocked country located between Romania and Ukraine in Eastern Europe. Following 50 years of Soviet rule, Moldova declared its independence in 1991 with the collapse of communism.

After years of being a closed country, Moldova is now open to the gospel. Believers meet without fear, committed young pastors are ready to be trained, the church is experiencing new growth and now is the time for The Moldova Mission.

We look forward to partnering with you as we pursue The Moldova Mission.

Workers together in Him,

Troy & Heidi Jo Darrin

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World Missions
Darrin-Account #226097
1445 N Boonville Ave
Springfield , MO 65802 -1894

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